About Us

POPsquad is a movement that protects our innocent children from internet predators. We aim to not only expose these repeat offending & unknown individuals , but also attempt to "get into the their mind" and find some type of answers for there actions & compulsions. We do not condone or endorse any harm coming to these individuals. Any such violence towards anyone portrayed in our content will be frowned upon and you may find yourself on our pages! Share the videos, share the posts, help us continue doing what we do, we urge you to not assault them or their property. WE SHARE YOUR DISGUST but violence won’t help! It’ll just let the haters have something to pick apart at!

Follow us at:

https://www.facebook.com/popsquadcc/ https://www.youtube.com/POPsquadHQ https://www.instagram.com/popsquadprez/